Great news! Unlock your phone for free!

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Great news! Unlock your phone for free!

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By Dec 1st every provider in Canada have to unlock their customers phones for free. After a lot of struggle and complaints from cellular customers this new law will make sure no phones will be locked to any provider anymore and no unlocking fees will be added to any accounts. Unlock your phone for free!

According to the data from CRTC the providers made $37.7 million in revenue from unlocking services last year 2016 and over $100 million in 5 years. The unlocking fees started at $30 but recent years the companies have been charging people $50 to unlock your phone.

All you have to do is call your provider and ask them to unlock your iPhone or any other smartphone. The service is free and instant. We are hoping this way the market will be more competitive with lower prices since people can choose freely which provider they want go with. Let’s hope for the best!

We at Regina Repair & Electronics gathered all phone numbers for the biggest providers in Canada for your convenience.

Bell:          1 (866) 301-1942

Sasktel:   1 (800) 727-5835

Telus:      1 (866) 558-2273

Rogers:   1 (855) 381-7834

Virgin:    1 (888) 999-2321

Kodoo:   1 (866) 995-6636

Fido:       1 (888) 481-3436

Start unlocking and free your phone! Starting December 1st unlock phone for free.

If you have any issues contact us.


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